November 2007
Google introduces Android for the first time, emphasizing its
emergence as the first open platform for smartphones on the market. August 2008
The platform’s answer to the App Store, the Android Market, is announced. September 2008
The first phone, the G1, is revealed, along with it the Android SDK. A
month later, it’s put on shelves and the code is made open to the
public. The smartphone is a well-lauded and welcomed rival to the
iPhone, and tech enthusiasts in particular are thrilled with its
functionality. February 2009
Software upgrade Cupcake introduced. September 2009
Software upgrade Donut introduced. October 2009
Software upgrade Éclair is introduced. November 2009
Android’s second phone, the Motorola Droid, hits stores and moves
100,000 units in its first weekend. January 2010
The Nexus One is unveiled, with an Android platform – Google’s first
and only attempt at producing all components of the phone. Its’ launch
turns out to be disappointing and it’s unable to compete with the
iPhone and the Droid. Let’s be honest, the entire thing was a little
embarrassing. May 2010
Google TV is introduced, built on Android and Chrome. July-August 2010
Froyo (the latest software upgrade) is also released – although it
appears only a fraction of Android users are utilizing it. September 2010
The Samsung Galaxy Tab is released, and gives the iPad some stuff
competition – and even outperforms it in a few categories. It’s
expected to sell 1 million units in 2010. October 2010
Two years after its debut, the Android Market reaches 100,000 apps.
Full text here:
Google introduces Android for the first time, emphasizing its
emergence as the first open platform for smartphones on the market. August 2008
The platform’s answer to the App Store, the Android Market, is announced. September 2008
The first phone, the G1, is revealed, along with it the Android SDK. A
month later, it’s put on shelves and the code is made open to the
public. The smartphone is a well-lauded and welcomed rival to the
iPhone, and tech enthusiasts in particular are thrilled with its
functionality. February 2009
Software upgrade Cupcake introduced. September 2009
Software upgrade Donut introduced. October 2009
Software upgrade Éclair is introduced. November 2009
Android’s second phone, the Motorola Droid, hits stores and moves
100,000 units in its first weekend. January 2010
The Nexus One is unveiled, with an Android platform – Google’s first
and only attempt at producing all components of the phone. Its’ launch
turns out to be disappointing and it’s unable to compete with the
iPhone and the Droid. Let’s be honest, the entire thing was a little
embarrassing. May 2010
Google TV is introduced, built on Android and Chrome. July-August 2010
Froyo (the latest software upgrade) is also released – although it
appears only a fraction of Android users are utilizing it. September 2010
The Samsung Galaxy Tab is released, and gives the iPad some stuff
competition – and even outperforms it in a few categories. It’s
expected to sell 1 million units in 2010. October 2010
Two years after its debut, the Android Market reaches 100,000 apps.
Full text here: